Hangover Yoga


Yoga is a pretty popular word these days. When the word yoga comes to mind, hangover generally doesn’t arrive before it. The truth is yoga is great at improving your mood. This may or may not remove the other toxic effects but feeling better is half the battle.  A few months ago I read this article by Tiffany Cruikshank (a pretty awesome and famous yogi). In it she talked about how she acknowledges the contradictions teachers sometimes feel they create. For example, talking about cleansing and purity in class and then having a bit too much wine with friends several hours later. I know the feeling.  As I like to say in class, “This is yoga practice, not perfect.”

So if last nights festivities have left you feeling like your body needs a good wringing out, a trip to your yoga mat may be just what’s needed to get back in the swing of things.  ‘Hangover Yoga’ at the Tractor Brewing Taproom hosted by myself, Julie Ann, is just the ticket.  I can commiserate, after celebrating (or just generally having a good time at night) this kind of activity doesn’t necessarily spring me out of  my bed the next morning; however, there are a few things that I have found after a night of fun that help. I feel better when I distract myself from feeling bad. Sitting around retracing last night’s steps generally makes me feel worse but when I get up, get going I feel like I bounce back much faster.

A light and mellow flow with an emphasis on meditation and breathing exercises can be just what the doctor ordered. Sun Salutations are a great way to get the blood going, increase the heart rate and get the breath flowing in a way that can improve oxygen uptake. If moving through a sun salutation proves too much to ask of the intrepid partygoer, these energetic moves can be skipped entirely; relaxing on the mat is always welcome in my class.

One of the best things we can do when hungover is to re-oxygenate the blood stream, along with detoxifying the liver and kidneys through continuous movement, and gentle twisting to flush the digestive track. Ending class with some restorative poses to regroup your mind and body and balance out your equilibrium. I hope you come join me after celebrating or before! Water and buckets will be available. 😉