Good Things Come To Those Who Wait…


Or So They Say

Get ready burquenos for the unveiling of the new Tractor Brewing location in Wells Park. We have been working, really we could say slavin’ away for the past four months to breathe life into the fourth street location. With my first commercial venture nearly under my belt, I am greatly honored that I have been run over by this Tractor and can’t wait for you all to see it.

The new brewery beefs up the downtown scene adding a fancy place to have great brew and I imagine see some great art too.  You see, this is kinda how my relationship with Tractor brewing came about. Tractor has been a re-appearing guests at many of the openings at my alternative arts pace in Wells Park.

With the finish line in sight, I can say that one of the best things about this project is the inside scoop on the Tractor family. I can say that the hard working, loyal people that come to this table are serious about beer, highly committed to having FUN, and are making Albuquerque a better place.

For now, adios and see you at the grand unveiling!

Sheri Crider owns SCA Contemporary Art & ArtLab Studios in Wells Park. Look for the new SCA to break ground at 9th & Tijeras in just a few weeks and will be the second commercial project by SCA Construction.