“Flavor’s” First – Flavorful! A Chat About Tractor Cider.


It’s officially happening, Beer Farmers. We are writing our first blog about “Flavor” – the first entry into the “Flavors” Category is right here, right now. Recently one of our employees was scrolling Instagram looking at pictures taken on the Beer Farm. While searching the hashtag #tractorbrewing, (hint hint), we came across a couple of pictures we just fell in love with – we reached out to the talented and loyal Beer Farmer/Photographer – and asked to use her photos – while at the same time chatting about Tractor “Flavor.” Michelle, the interviewee for this piece agreed to speak about her favorite flavor on the farm, Tractor’s Apple Cider. Below is our conversation about the tasty beverage that is coming in the can, VERY SOON! Enjoy!

We asked Michelle: So you like Tractor Cider? “I don’t like tractor Cider, I LOVE  Tractor Cider, I especially like it on a hot summer day after a long bike ride or run,” she said. Sounds like a good use for our cool liquid beverage – a cool down after a workout – in fact, for those with health in mind, and otherwise maybe with some health requirements in beverages due to a gluten allergy, you ought to know, Tractor Hard Apple Cider is gluten free!

We figured someone like Michelle who takes awesome pictures while she sits at our bar, may feel comfortable enough, to be someone who is here, here and there – we like that. Folks who love to come on down at enjoy the atmosphere and our many events, are the reason we can continue to keep the doors open – and through your business we continue to expand, grow, and present awesome BEER and events! Speaking of beers, Michelle also mentioned a couple of brews she chooses when she decides to take a detour from the delicious Apple Cider. “The Stouts are really good but I also like the Farmers Tan.  Depends on what kind of mood I am in,” she said. Good choices, Michelle, seeing as though you can get the Farmer’s Tan Red Ale and Milk Mustachio Milk Stout in the can all over town, and the great state of New Mexico.

We finished our conversation with an interest as to why Michelle loves Tractor so much – and which of our locations she likes in particular; and actually, first and foremost how she even found us in the first place. “I used to live in Nob Hill so I discovered tractor when it opened, I have lost track, its been a few years….   I am no longer a Nob Hiller but it doesn’t stop me from going by and enjoying a beer or two after class (UNM),” said Michelle. She went on to talk about her new found gem in Wells Park, but then chose Nob Hill as her favorite location, when she said, “I can’t believe I just discovered the Wells Park Location!  I really like the set up and the fact that it is much bigger which accommodates live music.  I love the space at Wells Park but Nob Hill is still my favorite location.  I am at the University several times a week and I don’t always like studying or doing my work at the coffee shops, sometimes you need a good beer to get the creativity going,” we couldn’t agree more, Michelle.

Last but not least, we obviously love words, quirky things, and first thought best thought practices when talking to strangers, and so to Michelle, we said, three words that come to mind when you hear Tractor – what are they? “DELICIOUS! FUN! CHILL!” she said! Cheers Michelle – Cheers!