Ruminations From The Farm… A Blog About A Job That’s Just That Fun To Do


Hey there Beer Farmers,
We hope you are well. We are doing pretty darn good here on the Beer Farm. Thanks to you, we’ve had some great weeks of business in March. Just think about it, we saw Luckyiam LIVE and in person on our stage, Lucy LaForge made a stop, Decker is coming tonight – and Mondo Vibrations left the Beer Farm buzzing last night for Thirsty Thursday; not to mention, we had quite the packed house until last call last night, as Albuquerque comedians had the crowd busting a gut! You know, it’s all sort of surreal to think about, when you work for a place like this…

When people ask me, your Tractor Good Times Liaison, “so what do you do?” My answer sometimes seems like a fantasy, a lie, a wish I could really be doing that, kind of tale. I put together events for people to come and drink great beer at, and have a good time – wow! ………………………. Sorry, I had to take a second to pinch myself and make sure that is in fact what I actually do for a living these days! I like to think I speak for all of us on the Beer Farm, and everyone involved in the mission and vision that Tractor Brewing has, when I say, I/we appreciate each and every person that walks through the door for one of our events – or even when it’s simply to catch a quick beer on a weekend afternoon.

We have a lot coming up for you in April – and as it gets warmer we are going to pull some tricks out of our bag for Summer. We can’t wait to keep on keeping on around here. We do want to remind you to keep on giving your coasters the #CoasterMakeover – that’s right – take our new “cider girl,” coasters and doll em up, have some fun, draw all over em, turn em in, #tag #share #snap em – put em on your social media and tag us! @tractorbrewing wants to see what you’re doing! When you turn em in, if you turn em in – and when we have enough of them, we are going to make something really cool come from our collection, trust me! So – don’t be shy, show us what you got!

We also want to remind folks about our poetry competition – 16 line poems about beer, submissions can be sent to – you must be 21+ to enter, and only one submission per poet. The prizes are awesome: $100 cash from Tractor Brewing, a 6pack of non-fiction, and a 6pack of fiction books from Bookworks and a $20 gift card too! Don’t drag your heels, better yet drag your pen across the page and get your poems in! We have one more competition for all our Albuquerque residents, that we will be launching soon – so stay tuned, and we will update you as soon as we have all the details. That’s it for now – we open at 1pm today – and have Decker, LIVE on tour in Wells Park tap room tonight at 7pm – with local opener Bellemah, come enjoy the FREE show!