Step On Up – Kamikaze Karaoke, On The Beer Farm To Stay


Hey Friends,

Hope you’ve been well, and that you survived the weekend; we know, it’s Tuesday. If you’re anything like some of us here on the Beer Farm, Mondays get figured into recovery, and your weeks are more like 6 days long, rather than 7…. In any event, we had some events, and you all showed out handsomely, and beautifully we should add! The Women of the World Poetry Slam After Party was awesome, and the Shutter Tones art opening was stunning! We thank each and every person that passed through our doors, as we did more than pass the time with the weekend.

We are into a new week, and with that comes more fun. One of the fun things that has been getting a lot of attention lately, in fact, it was mentioned on a Newscastic list of places to sing, is Karaoke – Kamikaze Karaoke to be exact! We couldn’t be happier to have Kamikaze Karaoke up and running in our Wells Park tap room! Just what is Kamikaze Karaoke? Well, allow us to explain…

We are all privy to the type of Karaoke where you pick your song off giant list of them, and brave the microphone, fog machine, and lights, take the stage and belt it out – right? Well, this is that, with a twist. What’s the twist? You can choose to go “Kamikaze.” Kamikaze Karaoke is when you don’t pick the song per se, but instead it picks you – well, you use your own hands, but you pull the tune from a bowl and give it a go – that’s right, blind, you pick what you are going to sing for a tap room full of audience members. Sound crazy? Yeah we know… but it’s crazy fun – and if you want the traditional approach, they’ll allow that too! So whatya’ say, Beer Farmers? You should come on down and have a good ol’ time with us.

Kamikaze Karaoke is set to be on the Beer Farm TWO Wednesdays a month. We are working toward a predictable schedule – something like 1st and 3rd, or 2nd and 4th, or maybe 1st and last Wednesdays – but for now, due to event scheduling on both ends, we are working with simply getting you all in to sing, twice a month. Right now our dates for March, April, and May are: March 25th, April 1st and 29th, and May 6th and 20th – all nights start at 7pm and go until 11pm. 

As dates approach, we will let you know via our Facebook pages – but for now, we have tomorrow’s event online – and you can “join,” and let us know you are coming by clicking HERE. 

Also, before we let you go – take out that planner of yours, because we want you to know, we will be hosting a “semi-final” round of the NM State Karaoke Championships on Thursday July 9th. We will provide information and details as they roll in. Singers interested in competing should come and get info from our “KJ” the nights of our March, April, and May Karaoke nights – thanks for singing on the Beer Farm, we are looking forward to your performances.
