A Dog In The Fight – Art Fight Round 6: Animal Instincts


It’s been a little while, we know you are hungry for more! We can’t wait to give you what you want. Thanks to James Montoya Arts and Masks y Mas, April 17th, Art Fight is coming back to the Beer Farm. It is going to be a wondrous affair. Heard of Art Fight before? If you haven’t, you’ve been missing one of the coolest competitions and displays of art in a public place, to date. Thanks to James Montoya of James Montoya Arts, Art Fight came to life – now 6 rounds in – Tractor Brewing Company has taken over as the exclusive and proud home of this amazing art show!

Live artists pay $10 to paint for 3 hours – from 7pm-10pm, there is musical entertainment and the paint brushes and air brushes come out to play. The beer drinkers come out to vote as well. As folks buy beers, they’re given raffle tickets – those raffle tickets hold “voting power.” That’s right, see a painting you like – just go ahead and drop that ticket in that artist’s cup. At the end of the 3 hours, all artists are finished with their pieces, and the tickets are tallied – the winner, wins all the entry fees of every other artist that competed that night! Cool right?

You know what else is cool? The beer! The beer at Tractor Brewing Wells Park, is abundant and tasty – with 4 IPAs currently on tap – some offerings for the warmer Spring weather – and friendly and incredible service. This 18,000 square foot brewing behemoth in Wells Park, has become a favorite of the neighborhood. Highlights on what Tractor is doing as far as distribution, entertainment, and overall atmosphere can be seen in the last two issues Albuquerque The Magazine – and can be found online via their numerous social media outlets and pages.

April 17th will bring a bevy of brush wielding artists to the Beer Farm, so don’t be late – don’t be scared, and definitely be ready for an art filled evening! It is going to be one for the books! Want to let us know you’re headed our way to enjoy the show, CLICK HERE AND JOIN THE EVENT.