Here’s Tommy… Meet A New Contributor, To A NEW Project


We are onto a new venture Beer Farmers. This new venture pulls into the fold more of our community members, as usual. The following blog is an introduction to someone you will get to know very well. We don’t want to up and tell you just how, right away, we want you to read your way to an answer, but trust us, this blog, and the contributions beyond this point by the lady you are about to meet, are well worth your time – here’s….. Tommy!

“If there was one word I would choose to describe myself, that word would be Detroit, or crazy, either way it’s pretty much the same,” said Tommy Wozniak when I asked her to tell us what makes her “tick.” We here at Tractor expressed the fact that we knew that Tommy was a career hairstylist and second-career smart ass, but we wanted her soon to be readers, to get to know her a bit. We continued the conversation about who Tommy is. “Being born and raised in Detroit Michigan, I am without a doubt a product of my former environment, which I think is totally bad ass,” she added to her self-description, “what you see is what you get with me, and within the first five minutes of meeting me, you get it all, the whole red headed enchilada,”  is how she capped it off.

At this point, you might be interested in what Tractor’s interest in the “red-headed enchilada” might be. We saw a very hard working savvy and funny woman in our community, and got to talking to her about how she ended up here and what she wanted to do while here, and bam, light bulb. We have a project, that we will get to telling you about, that we thought Tommy would be perfect for – but for now, more about how and why, Wozniak “landed-up” in Burque.

“My former business partner was living here with her family and because I was flying solo in Phoenix, it made sense for me to move here.  I had never even been to Albuquerque before I packed up and relocated, but I’m always down for an adventure and you never know where life can take you unless you try.  When I decided to come here every one of my friends looked at me like I was crazy, even more so than they usually do.  I thought that was funny because most of them had never been here before and just made a lot of assumptions when it came to NM.  My friends are the type of folks that think everyone living in ABQ is living a “Breaking Bad” lifestyle and that just by going to the grocery store, you run the risk of getting shot by the police. . . which is funny because I am from Detroit, probably the most dangerous city in the U.S., but you know what they say about opinions, everyone has them.   The good news for me, I pretty much fell in love with this town the second I got here and even though my former business partner and I went our separate ways, I chose to stay.  I feel like ABQ and I fit together and that we have a lot in common,  everyday we’re hustlin’.’”

We could identify and empathize with the idea of small businesses and entrepreneurs and the hustle it takes to make it any town. What we began to and will continue to appreciate about Tommy, is her love for this town of ours, it rings genuine and true – it speaks to appreciating even the things that make this place uniquely unfavorable or odd, one has to be a true lover of all things Burque to see the beauty in the bad; this Detroit born lady seems to have that quality about her. This led to us believing she definitely and obviously had something to say. When talking about her passions, we were hipped to not only hair, but that Tommy actually loves WORDS! That’s right, she loves to write! Bam – this new relationship was taking shape, quickly and with value.
“I’ve always been a sarcastic smart ass and I’ve always been a good story teller,” said Wozniak when talking about why she decided to start her new venture: “After doing hair for 20 years I’ve seen and heard it all, so I have a lot of stories to tell and a lot to get off my chest. . . I’m ready to unload it all.  Spending so many years chatting it up with people, I’ve come to realize that most people think I have a very sick sense of humor and that I’m just not “right” in the head.  I find this confusing because I can’t possibly be the only one that thinks marriage is a legal form of human trafficking, or that the best way to improve a woman’s self esteem is by moving her to a town full of women that are uglier than she is. I think I’m actually quite a progressive thinker to be honest.  This is what is ultimately about, instead of saying the things out loud, that everyone is thinking, but to afraid to say. . .  I’m a little different, I like to say the things out loud that nobody is thinking, but that I should be to afraid to say”, she said. Sound fun? Sound interesting?

Well, here it is Beer Farmers – with the launch of our NEW print publication “The Troubled Mind,” we were looking for some outside insight – some comic relief – some not so appropriate bar talk for the page. Thanks to Tommy Wozniak and – folks will be able to enjoy the musings of maniac with a method. Be prepared to laugh out loud, or maybe curse the page in your hands – either way be ready for words a la Tommy, words to remember or forget, depending on how many IPAs you’ve already had.

Speaking of words – we asked Tommy what some of her favorite words were – her response: “I feel the most love for the greatest word of all time, the good ol’  F-word.  I probably drop an F bomb at least 4-5 times every hour. It’s such a diverse word and it can be fit into any F’ing sentence with ease.  It’s one of those unique type of words that can even be used back to back, and you still make perfect sense. . . For example, if I said “man, I just got F’ing F’d on that deal”, nobody would question what I meant, it makes perfect sense.  There is no F’ing way you can come up with a more, well rounded word as far as I am F’ing concerned.” Well Tommy, we can’t be more F’in excited to have you lending to “The Troubled Mind,” it sounds like you will fit right in. What do you think Beer Farmers? We know you’ll agree, so when you pick up next month’s issue of “The Troubled Mind” flip and find Tommy’s contributions, and then keep up with her weekly musings at