Fatherhood on the Farm – a conversation with Carlos Garcia


What’s it like being a dad?
That’s the first question we had for one of our newer employees, and seasoned ABQ musician, Carlos Garcia. Carlos is the front man for Youngsville. Youngsville is a good time in a tune; their three part party on stage brings the people to the bar and the rest is history. We recently hosted Youngsville for the release of their album Drought City. It was at that show, that we got the idea to ask Carlos about something other than music and or beer – we wanted to know about his son, and his new journey as a father. Carlos said that being a dad is “amazing, exhausting, inspiring – basically all of the good and bad things everyone has ever told you are true.” We like that: some humor, humility and honesty – definitely of the character that Carlos is. Recently married as well, Carlos plays music around town, and the country, while serving beer to pay the bills. He is obviously on a mission to provide for his family; perhaps to teach his son some things…

When asked about what he wants to teach, Cash, his now 11 month old son, Carlos said, “To be true to himself, to not be afraid to work hard at what he wants to do in life, to have love and compassion for others. Also, to never settle for anything less than what makes him happy.” Sounds like he wants to teach his son some of the things he is learning and working through right now – a journey of hard work, and the appreciation of opportunities, while at the same time, keeping pace to never stop chasing those dreams; cheers to that, Carlos – cheers!

When he isn’t outside, at the park, zoo, or somewhere else with his son, where he can “watch his face glow with curiosity at everything new he sees,” we wondered what Carlos’s perspective on being both a dad and a bartender is like… “It definitely gives me stories to tell! It’s nice, considering that my shifts start in the late afternoon so my wife and I can coordinate our time and take turns caring for him. I think the flexibility of bar tending is ideal for parenthood,” he said. It’s really good to think that someone like Carlos can make a living for a family, while working for a company like Tractor Brewing.

Tractor Brewing by design is a “family” business. Many folks behind the scenes wear different hats. Admin and management meetings have sometimes four toddlers slung over backs, or wrapped in staff arms, while decisions get made – because as businesses grow and evolve, the families supported by the pay checks from said businesses, often grow as well. Tractor is adding to the Beer Farm, tiny people that are cared for by an army of people that care for them; It’s neat to think that when they are two, three, five, seven, ten… they will walk the hallways and watch artists create art, watch a stage with poets spilling their hearts out, after eating a grilled cheese dinner – what a life!

In this “Faces” edition of our blog, we thought it would be neat to take a pause for a window into the life of one of our employees: a musician, a beer tender, a father – just before Father’s Day, we felt it appropriate to highlight a passionate and creative individual who we care for very much. In closing our conversation, we asked Carlos what he wanted to pass on in regards to his current interests, and what might possibly be the future interests of baby Cash. “I hope to pass on some of my passion for creative endeavors: music, painting, drawing, writing, even if he just does it as a hobby. I feel the creative process has helped me so much, I hope that he can find some release in a similar way.”

We are pretty sure he will, with such an awesome dad at his side, sir! Cheers.

*Looking for a special GIFT for your DAD for Father’s Day? We are having a brewing experience day, June 20th – click here for info and ticket purchasing information*