Can You Karaoke? Come Karaoke – Kamikaze Style!


It’s been a while, since you’ve gone and sang a song in tune… or has it? We really don’t know; what we do know friends, is that if it has in fact been a while since you took that beautiful voice of yours and put it on a stage for beer soaked ears… well, then look no further, we found a Wednesday night you’re gonna like!

The first and third Wednesdays of each month have been building as Kamikaze Karaoke, here at Tractor Brewing Wells Park. We started off sort of light, but picked up speed and a crowd, and now, it is one of the top 5 places to sing in Albuquerque, according to recent polls conducted by NewsCastic. Mclain Prawitzk, the owner of Kamikaze Karaoke, approached Tractor Brewing Company about hosting a night in our venue, just after the turn of the new year. Judging from our growing crowds, and the eventual closing of Blackbird, which was one of the city’s premier places to go for singing off the screen, Tractor decided to go ahead and bring a night of singing heads to the Beer Farm.

The night always starts at 7pm. We have a food truck out front; these days, it has switched to Spork The World. Those of you who loved the BBQ, sorry – we decided to make a change for more variety in our mid-week event night, recently. Spork The World, does a number of American fare things, with an Asian twist, and puts green chile on everything – if you want them to of course. The night like we said, starts at 7pm, but goes well beyond that, until 11pm – so come for the after dinner, or eat dinner and sing hours, or…. stay late and light up the stage. Hell, sometimes Tractor staff gets in the mix, and you never known what those crazy cats are gonna do.

Sound like fun to you? Tell us you are coming by clicking HERE – see you on stage!