#UmbrellaWeek – BLOCK PARTY


Hey Beer Farmers – if you’ve been on the “social medias” lately, you might have noticed that there are #UmbrellaWeek posts popping up, left and right… Well, we can shed a little light on the situation that is said week. Tractor Brewing is proud to be involved in a few of the events, and a huge supporter of all of them – as we move into September 13th-20th in Albuquerque. You are invited to witness and partake in many things: art, tech, and culture related – get out and have some fun – how? There are a number of ways; this is one of them. Enjoy our run down of the HABITAT Downtown Block Party, thanks to 516 Arts’ Teresa Buscemi


What is the name of your particular Umbrella Week Event?

HABITAT Downtown Block Party

Date and Time?

Saturday, September 12, 4-8pm

What organization do you represent and what is your title?

516 ARTS, Programs and New Media Manager/Block Party Director

How do you feel about: art, tech, and culture in ABQ?

There’s an amazing energy within the art community to create, and also to create together.  So many opportunities exist for people to learn, participate and share within the art, tech and culture sectors and it’s great to see organizations, such as those involved in planning Umbrella Week, come together to help boost awareness about these opportunities.  I think there’s so much happening out there, a lot of which is connected, and many people are not yet aware.

How do you and your organization attempt to lend to those three things, or any one of them, on a daily, weekly, yearly basis?

516 ARTS is constantly looking to partner with other local organizations to strengthen ties within the community, broaden audience and form connections between art, which is our main focus, and tech, which is a main focus of many businesses and educators.  Our exhibitions and programs try to bridge the topics and allow people to grasp concepts from multiple angles.

What will event goers experience while at your particular event?

The Block Party will be a really fun, energeticevent for the whole family.  It will feature art projects, performances, domes and education opportunities that examine issues of climate change and way we can make a difference for the future.  Topics include solar power, alternative energy, water issues, local farming and food economy.  Projects include GhostFood, an interactive performance piece that explores eating in a future of biodiversity loss brought on by climate change.  Scent-food pairings are consumed by the public using wearable device that adapts human physiology to enable taste experiences of unavailable foods.  Little Sun solar lamps, part of a global social business project started by artist OlafurEliasson, will be available, as well as a number of food trucks working with local farmers, and music from DJ Gabriel Jaureguiberry, Racine Kreyol and Jade Masque.

What would you say to folks who have never been to an event hosted by your organization?

Our events like this are really fun parties with lots of things to look at, learn and interact with.  There will be something for everyone to enjoy.

How can folks help you to spread the word about your organization?

Like us on Facebook!  Sign up for our newsletters to stay up to date on our events and share the info with friends.  We’re also on Instagram, so tag your photos @516Arts, and for HABITAT use #HABITAT

How can they get involved?

We’re always looking for volunteers to help us out, but if you’re interested in participating in our workshops, talks and events, the best way to keep track is to sign up for our mailing list and e-blasts, and follow us on Facebook.