TEDXABQ – #UmbrellaWeek


Here’s another one – an #UmbrellaWeek event that is this weekend! It starts at UNM, and then we party on the Beer Farm AFTER! Everyone who buys tickets to TEDXABQ at Popejoy, uses their lanyard to get in at Tractor Brewing Wells Park from 5-9pm, how does that sound? We think it sounds awesome! Read all about why you yourself should be a “TED Head.” 

What is the name of your particular Umbrella Week Event?


Date and Time?

Saturday, 12 September

10 AM to 4:30 PM

UNM Popejoy Hall

What organization do you represent and what is your title?


How do you feel about: art, tech, and culture in ABQ?

“TED” itself stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design.  That’s a slightly different choice of words, but it’s very similar to art, tech, and culture.  We’re always on the lookout for big ideas on each that we can help spread. As an independently organized local TED-event, TEDxABQ is focused on New Mexico and bringing our community into the future.

How do you and your organization attempt to lend to those three things, or any one of them, on a daily, weekly, yearly basis?

Saturday is our Main Event, but we host a whole series of events throughout the year focused on youth, education, women, and sustainability. Our new Adventures program helps audience members to get even more involved.  Think of them as a field trip where people can get a deeper connection with the ideas in art, tech, and culture that our speakers present… for free!

What will event goers experience while at your particular event?

This year, we’ll have 20 speakers talking about everything from urban beekeeping to machine learning.  Each talk lasts 6 to 10 minutes and focuses on one big idea.  Then we mix things up with stage performances, classic TED videos, and a few surprises.  There’s also plenty of time throughout the day to meet the other audience members and even the speakers.  Our goal is to help start meaning dialogue, not just have everyone sit through a boring lecture.  And lunch… lunch is included! 12 food trucks from around the city will be serving everything from hot dogs to Korean food.

What would you say to folks who have never been to an event hosted by your organization?

You’ll never walk away from a TED event without learning something new. One single ten-minute talk is capable of changing your life.

How can folks help you to spread the word about your organization?

Social media is one of our strongest year-round marketing tools. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, liking and sharing our content will help us spread into other networks and gain followers.

How can they get involved?

We’re a volunteer organization. Anyone who wants to volunteer can visit our website at TEDxABQ.com and click the “Get Involved!” button.  If they have a big idea of their own, they can even apply to be one of our speakers.

Any last words?

We’ll never pass up an opportunity to thank our partners and volunteers.  Thanks guys and gals!

For everyone else, tickets are still available at TEDxABQ.com.  There are UNM student and faculty discounts available at the UNM Popejoy Hall Box Office.

We hope to see all of you there.