8 Questions Before Evan Dent’s ART OPENING, TONIGHT!


Hey There Beer  Farmers,
We hope everyone is having a good time out there in this big little city of ours. If you haven’t been by Wells Park since Thursday, when you come back, you’ll notice something different about the space. We have hung a NEW ART SHOW! That’s right, on the walls is the work of Evan Dent, an incredibly funny, and awesome human being, who just happens to be one kick ass artist at the same time! We had some time while Evan was hanging his show, to shoot him some questions, and he got them back quickly – so we are going to put his answers here for you to read – and then – well, come see the art he put on our walls, for you to see. Show opens TONIGHT September 26th and hangs into November. Cheers! 


How did your artist career begin? 

Professors named Tom Gilberson and Michael Sarich helped me realize that being an artist is a viable and attainable career through hard work and patience.

Give me 3 words that describe your art as folks witness it today? 

Funny, irreverent, and derrrr…

How has your art evolved? 

I have learned to trust myself more, so I am able to take more risks with my artwork.

Where do you think your art will take you? 

Weird places, if I’m lucky.

Who is an inspiration for your work? 

My wife, Family; my parents, my sister and her family, and all of those who have taken the time to share some of their knowledge and experiences with me.

What is the goal when you set out to create? 

I want to surprise myself. I know I have a good piece if I sit back and say, ” How the hell did I pull that off?”

If you could give young artists a piece of advice, what would it be? 

Pursue ideas that interest or excite you. If you are bored when you are making art, the result will be boring artwork.

What is next for you in your career?

Make piles of art and see what happens.