Everyone Meet Angelo; Let’s See Where He Goes…


His name is Angelo Gallegos. Who is he? Well… I asked him that – but first, I guess I should tell you all, Beer Farmers – that your Good Times Liaison at Tractor Brewing Company, also happens to be an Adjunct Professor at the University of New Mexico. Yup, believe it or not, this tattooed Sod Buster drinkin’ poet, also teaches some college courses. In any event, this isn’t about me, it’s about Angelo, one of my Writers in the Community students – who I’ve enlisted to write some “guest blogs,” for Tractor’s Blog spot – so, let’s meet him, and then read about where he went.

I am Angelo Gallegos. I am a studying English at UNM, I play clarinet, and play a ton of video games. I do enjoy writing and one day hope to make a living off of my books. My main hobbies include reading, watching anime/cartoons, playing in the Spirit marching band, and as stated before playing video games. I mostly dislike going outside or sporting events but part of playing in the band means watching every basketball and football game, such is life. If I had to choose just 3 words to describe myself I’d choose nerd, tired, gamer…

Angelo went to the Rail Yards Market – Here’s what he wrote about it: 

The Rail Yard Market is a weekly occurrence that takes local grown food, music, and art, and they all congregate in an explosion of culture. This is the second year the market has taken place and it is going strong. During my visit I asked a volunteer Tanya how exactly something like this started occurring in  an abandoned rail yard. She basically told me that the market started as a means of bringing together these local artists, musicians, and farmers. Everything that is sold in the market was made right here in Albuquerque. Tanya informed me that the market relies heavily on volunteer work and donations. There are three main booths that are run by the volunteers. The first is a booth set up at the main entrance to receive donations, sell water, and answer questions. The second booth was probably my favorite. It was titled the children’s booth and had a bunch of papers and art supplies. Granted it said for kids, there were a lot of people just drawing around the table. The last booth was a stage set up for local music. The Market runs from May to October and with fruity organic vegetable drinks on sale it’s totally worth a visit.


There you have it – get out to the Rail Yards Market, before it ends – visit the spots Angelo hips you to, volunteer like Tanya – and do make sure to get a fruity organic drink. Cheers!