Keeping NM Wild – A Q&A with the NM Wilderness Alliance


How do you catch wind about the BBB program, via Tractor Brewing? 

New Mexico Wilderness Alliance was lucky enough to receive an email from Carlos, Tractor’s Good Times Liaison.

What are the mission and vision of your organization, and how will the use of your funds from BBB allow for your mission and vision to be lent to and grown/maximized/nurtured? 

New Mexico Wilderness Alliance is a statewide, grassroots membership organization dedicated to the protection, restoration, and continued respect of New Mexico’s wild lands.  We plan to use funds from the BBB program to nurture wilderness through volunteer service projects and educational events in wilderness.  We have several projects scheduled for the next year, including these for Fall 2015:


Placitas Trails Project

This project will relocate unauthorized trails that have been created within the Sandia Wilderness boundary that connect to mountain biking trails within the Bernalillo Watershed Research Natural Area.  Approximately 2 miles of trail will be relocated to improve sustainability and connectivity of the trail system.  Sign up to help New Mexico Wilderness Alliance with this project set to start this Fall by emailing


Wildlife Tracking in the Sandia Mountains

November 14, 2015, 9am – 12 pm

We share our hiking trails with a lot of different wildlife that leave behind signs of their passing journeys. Is that a bobcat track or a coyote track? Are you following a Mexican wolf or was someone hiking with their family dog?Join Janice Przybyl as she shares tips and pointers to help you decipher parts of the story. You will learn how and where to look for tracks, what clues in a track help identify species, how to recognize the difference between canine and feline tracks.  For more information:


What should folks know about your organization, who might not be actively involved yet – what are some opportunities that folks might be able to take advantage of, in regards in getting involved with your organization? 

Protecting Wilderness is the best way to protect our land, water and wildlife. Wilderness protects our public lands with the highest level of federal land protection for current and future generations.

Our job is to teach people about the importance of protecting natural core areas of wilderness to protect wildlife habitat, clean air and clean water.Guided hikes and volunteer service projects help us educate the public about wilderness and current threats to our federal and public lands.


What would you say to your community supporters in regards to their participation in the BBB program? What is your sales pitch? 

What’s better than a cold beer after a long hike in the wilderness?  Nada!
Because, we believe that life without wilderness would be like life without beer!  Is it really possible to save the world by drinking a beer?  We think so!
Buying a Tractor growler or pint helps us protect New Mexico’s threatened and disappearing wild places.

How do you plan on being actively involved in maximizing the potential rewards of this year long project as a BBB beneficiary? 

We plan to promote non-profit nights, plan events and sell growlers at our events.  We have monthly e-news and quarterly newsletters that will help spread the word.  We also have an active chapter at UNM that we have already reached out to.


What are some events folks might see you at Tractor Wells Park for – and or, what are some events in the city, folks might see Tractor Brewing’s beer at thanks to this BBB partnership?

NM Wilderness Alliance Christmas Party in ABQ
NM Wild membership picnic in ABQ
NM Wild membership meetings in Los Alamos, Taos, Las Cruces are additional opportunities.
September is Anniversary of the Wilderness Act
WE also may have some victories to celebrate in the next year, where Wilderness legislation passes.

What is your opinion of the ABQ craft beer scene, and do you believe it is lending positively to ABQ/NM economic development and local business development?

YES! We love it and are happy to help spread the word.


What is your favorite Tractor Beer? 

Cowboy Coffee Stout
Farmer Tan Red
Mustachio Milk Stout


It is BBB year two, you are now part of a group of organizations supported by Tractor Brewing, that is growing in number, how do you feel about being added to this bunch?

It is an honor to be part of BBB.  We feel this is a great partnership and one we are happy to share with our members.


Describe your organization in 5 words or less….

Keeping New Mexico Wild