Six Reasons to Meet Anthony Evans on January 8th


“We are all faced with adversities in this life, so my passion for photography came by choosing to notice things I had overlooked by not allowing myself to stop and find my breath. During my evening runs, stopping to capture the beautiful ABQ sunsets, allowed me a chance to find my breath and stay focused to keep it. I continued this growth by capturing the beauty in all things, and enjoying the feeling it gives others when sharing my perspectives,” says Anthony Evans, photographer, entrepreneur. This answer as to ‘what led him to photography,’ is interesting. Anthony’s Images are breathtaking. It’s really quite ironic, that a man who is pausing for breath, is having the adverse effect on the folks who stop and look at the creations, that he took time to capture – in one word, it’s: beautiful.

5 words: real, honest, heartfelt, optimistic, trustworthy – Those are five words that Evans chose to describe himself. We like his choices. We believe them. Tractor has a number of events at both of our locations, and often times, you can catch Anthony with his camera in hand. What many folks don’t know is that many times, later on, Anthony is not seen, handing over amazing prints of performers in action – the performers themselves. We would add selfless to that list. These are just “SIX reasons,” we think you should come to Mr. Evans’ Photography Show Opening on January 8th, 2016.

The art scene seems to be booming in ABQ. Every time I turn around, there’s a pop-up art show, a new boutique spot for entertainment and performance, a new brewery, bar, or attraction being planned, it’s good. The scene is seeing a lot of activity; activity is often necessary for growth. Things work and stick, grow and change, things don’t work and were fun, or failures teach lessons on how to do things better the next time. We chopped it up with Anthony about the art scene in Albuquerque, and what his opinion of the current state of things is. “I feel when becoming a successful artist, one can become arrogant by selfish desire. The beauty in art is being open to creative expressions, sharing constructive feedback and support allowing a chance for growth in the art world. I feel the current ABQ art scene is becoming more supportive in positive ways,” he said. We can see that, the support that is. Artists and musicians, poets and comedians, all the different genres of entertainment and entertainers seem to be working together for the greater good: art and community. That being said, we are excited to see that Holly Durante will be joining Evans on the 8th, to play music, while all of Albuquerque can come and meet Anthony and talk about his work.

Come out and ask Anthony why he chose photography, we did. “I respect all arts and the uniqueness they have for creative minds to share their perspectives. I would like believe, photography is the closest way to stop time, and express my creativity  through my emotional connection in that moment. I like to share my photos for my own edification, and with hopes the viewer emotionally connects with them on a personal level,” he said.  We can be certain, you will find a way to connect with the creations of this fine artist. It doesn’t always start with art for everyone though. Sometimes we find art. Sometimes art finds us. Every artist has different access points, and reasons why he or she decided to express his or herself through a particular medium. Art openings are always a rare and special opportunity. At an opening, the artist is around to field your burning question. We definitely invite you to pick Anthony Evans’ brain on what will be a very special Friday night.

If you’d like a bit of context before you come hang out, feel free to check out Anthony in the social media world. Find him on Facebook and Instagram – @noticersperspective