9 Questions For Jessica Estevan – Homegrown Artist


Jessica Estevan Homegrown Artist

How’s it going Beer Farmers? We hope you are doing well, out there in Albuquerque and beyond. We are doing great here on the Beer Farm. Tractor Wells Park, and Nob Hill are rolling through the cold months, with cold beer! We are growing our capacity by way of the 60bbl fermenters that rolled into the brewery, and growing our capacity to continue to help build an art scene here in Burque, as another Art Show goes up on our walls! That’s right, Wells Park will welcome Jessica Estevan on the 23rd, of January. Come to her ART OPENING starting at 6pm on the 23rd, and meet this homegrown talent, who has a connection to the land, and our beautiful New Mexico, in a way we just had to agree with, and showcase! We asked Jessica a few questions about her career and where it has taken her, along with where she is at now – enjoy her answers, in today’s Q&A Blog. 

Where are you originally from?
“Pojoaque Valley, New Mexico.”

What inspires your art?
“I am very inspired by New Mexico’s deep history and the iconic memories of the Southwest’s flora and fauna. It’s my upbringing in New Mexico; the farm I grew up on, cruising the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, and fishing with my mother that inspire my art. Like many local artists, I am constantly obsessed with expressing works symbolic of our homestead.”


What is your favorite medium to use?
“Anything I can get my hands on… I love to experiment with all forms of art, whether that be paint, collage, clay, or glass. I enjoy finding mediums that will push my art that one step further, or try things that other artists haven’t thought of. The large scale paintings you will see are created with one of my favorite painting methods, which involves layering resin, oil paint, and acrylic on wooden panel.”


What does your art say about who you are, who we are?
“While finishing school in Portland, OR, my longing for home helped me explore what rooted me so deep to New Mexico. I found that it was my memory of landscape, and its association to the harsh setbacks that many of us have grown to understand, that inspires the strong pride I have for this state. Since moving back to New Mexico, I have become very passionate about taking this understanding for “The Land of Entrapment,” and creating underlying meanings in my works that locals can relate to.”


What are you currently giving to Wells Park to show?
“My most recent series is based off of New Mexico history, dated at least 400 years back, but twisting real events/locations and questioning alien conspiracy – If aliens were so “associated”  with the Aztecs and Spain’s search for gold, what would it have looked like if extraterrestrial had interfered with The Conquistadors’ invasion of what is New Mexico today?”


What is next for you?
“…Keep working hard and looking forward, planning some collaborations with other local artists and continue to become as close to the ABQ community as possible!”


Where can we find your work?
“I am honored to say that Tractor Brewing Company is my first official kick off since moving back to Albuquerque. There will definitely be more shows, and will be updated via website, jestevan.com, or via Instagram. I am also open to studio visits!”


If someone used one word to describe you what would it be?
“Chile- addict”


What is your favorite Tractor beer?
“Tractor has one of the strongest Pilsner’s I’ve ever had! Love it!”