Hey There Beer Farmers,
Hope you are well out there in the world. While driving to work today, I, Carlos Contreras Tractor’s Good Times Liaison, was day dreaming about the world we live in. I was thinking about all the crazy things that we have to deal with on a daily basis. I was thinking about all the emotions I am currently dealing with in life, with work, at home, and how those feelings and thoughts play into the unknown… the future – you know what was playing all the while? MUSIC…
I started to think about it, music that is. Music is with us when anything and anyone else, isn’t… isn’t it? Those times we just need to take a drive and think, those hikes, runs, hours in the studio, even at work, they all have a soundtrack…
Recently, our Commander and Chief, the Director of Operations and Co-Owner of Tractor Brewing Company, came to the Tuesday Admin. meeting with an amazing idea. “I want a playlist for every beer on our board, that’s what I want…” Skye Devore exclaimed. When I first heard it, it didn’t register just how cool it would be, that was until I was building my Sod Buster Pale Ale playlist.
As I lined up tracks, put them in order, and thought about what each song meant to me, I realized that those who took a second to be distracted by the sounds in a Tractor tap room, when my songs are coming out the speakers, might get a little sneak peek into what makes me: think, tick, happy, sad, and otherwise. Music is a major part of our lives!
I asked Tractor staff, to fill in the following blank, as I thought about this blog:
“Without music I am_______________…”
“Without music I am alone,” said Tractor Manager, Shawn S. Our General Manager, Melissa, said “Without music I am unproductive.” Kyle one of our Brewing Team Members, said “Without music I am left with only my own thoughts to listen to…” I can empathize with that sentiment. Nobody ever wants to be alone; and, with music… we aren’t – alone!
In fact, we are reaching out in this very special way, because as a business, Tractor Brewing really appreciates the members of our team, and our patrons too! Got some tunes? Send them our way, make a playlist for YOUR favorite beer, and let us know where to find it, maybe we will share it, and let folks know to tip their pints to the playlist you created… sound like a plan? We think so. You can catch us here on #SPOTIFY
Let’s come together, whatya say?