Gose (goh-zuh) is a historical German beer style that went against German beer purity laws and has disappeared from production all together periodically over the years. It first appeared in the early 16th century in Goslar, Germany and was spontaneously fermented. Today, it is a top-fermenting beer made with malted wheat, salt and coriander with a lemon tartness that comes from lactobacillus in the wort. Light color, slight cloudiness, effervescent carbonation and a persistent white head are calling cards as well. We have created this beer in the traditional method of allowing the wort to “sour” before fermentation, which is accomplished by adding un-crushed malt to the wort and allowing the naturally occurring lactobacillus on the un-crushed malt to sour the wort over a 3 day period. You will notice a light straw color body and a clean white head. It has a sour lemon flavor, slight fruitiness and puckering mouth feel.
Veruca Salt Gose